Our hearts ache for our fellow Kentuckians who are facing tremendous devastation and tragic loss following the tornadoes that swept across our state.

Effective immediately, KEMI will be suspending cancellations and expirations through January 15, 2022, for policyholders located in the counties directly affected by the tornadoes.

We are steadfastly committed to supporting policyholders facing financial hardship, in both the short term and throughout the extended recovery process. We will be working closely with agents and policyholders to provide flexible payment terms, revise payroll estimates, or delay premium audits.

The KEMI team is committed to providing compassion, care, and support to our customers. To report an injury, please visit KEMI.com or call 1-800-640-KEMI (5364).

KEMI is working with our board and staff to identify organizations that need our assistance. We also ask agents and policyholders to contact us and share other charitable initiatives where KEMI may be able to assist.

Kentuckians are resilient and we take care of each other. Please let us know how we can best serve you in the midst of this difficult time.

Media Contact:
Ryan Worthen
KEMI Communications

Posted December 13, 2021